Publication Date
March 26, 2022

Follow the drunken adventures of a delusional man as he staggers across Asia, thinking he’s the next Jack Keroauc.
Did it all end with an unfinished beer? Sadly for me, it did and now I am no longer here. But it was all worth it because unlike you, I dared to travel. I made my spiritual journey, (with beer in hand) and that is a life well lived I bet you haven’t seen the things I have seen. You’re probably stuck in a stupid 9-5 job and you’re only reading this out of curiosity. Well, lucky you because you are about to open up the mind of a modern beatnik/poet I know what you’re thinking, what a complete idiot, right. But how are you going to know reading this blurb, you’re going to have to flip this thing around and get started right away. Well, what the hell are you waiting for?